Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ohh the Things in my Normal Swiss Life

(Photos for your viewing pleasure)^^

Okay, so I know I have not been that good with blogging often. I have just found nothing that special to tell you guys about. I mean who wants to really hear about things that i find so normal? Well my parents but I don't really count them. Life in Switzerland for me is now like life for my brother in America, normal. Everyday just seems normal not so special, just your average Joe day. Though sometimes there are things that still manage to amaze me when it is so normal for everyone else. And I embrace the moments when I stand out because of some of my American ways. Those things make me, me. I take them as a badge. Though I try to blend in I still manage to stand out, especially when I speak since I only speak High German and I have a bit of an accent, but that is normal. So now here it goes, this is what I have been doing for the past couple of weeks since I last wrote.

First of all my class is still wonderful and I am making friends. I also found out that they are really supportive of their friends. One of them had a performance this weekend and me and about 5 other class mates were there to see them and support them. Also this and next weekend another one has a dance recital and I know of 2 people who are going this week and I am going next week. I love the fact that they are supportive it makes them like a family. Well since they will be together all day for 4 years it is a good thing that they are like a family and not fighting.

As for the performance that I saw on Friday; it was good. Though it was very long for my liking (8.00-11.30). It was a thing for the town she lives in to promote it and raise money. It was about these 2 guys that were trying to go somewhere and they missed their train and all the people that they met were going to or from that town. And then there would be performances of gymnastics/dances in there. Though the plot I am not quite sure what it is about since it was in Swiss German and I don't really understand Swiss German.

A couple of weeks ago I joined a volleyball team. I have had 2 practices so far. Though I have not yet played in a game. I enjoy it since I have always like volleyball and because it is a good way for me to meet more people. Also I like having something to do. I really appreciate being able to go and play with them every Thursday. They don't mind that much that I have never played on a real team before or that I joined the team after they have already started playing. Or if they mind they haven't said anything.

There is this one show that I really like that I sometimes watch with my sister. It is called "Wetten Dass?" I find it to be entertaining to watch even when I don't fully understand it. This show is about betting, or at least that is what I think it is about since it is almost pointless but very entertaining.

Switzerland is still just as amazing now as it was when I first got here to now when I have been here for about 12 weeks. It is extremely divine. All the colors on the trees make my bike ride home wonderful; I love it. though unfortunately I keep forgetting to take photos of it and hopefully I remember to before all the leaves fall off the trees. I am chipper with being here. I feel at home. Though AFS has said that before that I will go through a time where I was homesick. I haven't I skipped that part. OR if by homesick they mean REALLY wanting some Taco Bell; then yes...yes I was homesick. I was homesick on Wednesday. But that is only if homesick means craving Taco Bell. I am happy to wake and think that I am in Switzerland right now!!! More then happy actually, I am bouncing off walls with joy.