Friday, January 28, 2011

Are You Happy Now Mom?

Procrastinating is BAD! I have been doing it, but I have decide to stop. That is why you FINALY get a nice new blog. It will not be long but I will be writing a bunch of short blogs and having them in. This will make up for all my not done posts. Also it will finally get my mother off my back. Mothers can be such naggers (not to be confused wit the "N" word) sometimes.

I have learned that my class mates here don't procrastinate. Well okay they do a little but not like American students. We tend to be bigger procrastinators. Also my class is filled with over achievers (okay maybe not all) I feel very much like an under achiever with them since I don't always do more then I have to, unless it is on something that I enjoy then I will go well up and beyond the limits. I need to have a passion about something in something. Thats why I like it here. I have grown a passion for German. Its not the easiest language in the world. Though I like it and I like all the people I meet while I am learning this language and it gives me a passion for it.

Well enough of me blabbering on about nothing. I should do something more productive; such as telling a story, but that is for later.