Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The End is Near!!!!!

A very pretty castle that made me feel like I was in a fairytale!

We got together all of our *Made in Switzerland* things and took a picture(:

My best friend I made in Switzerland a Miss Gloria Belen (Paraguay)

This is a Swiss Popstar(famous dude) Baschi

We are just a gorgeous group of ladies (me being the youngest as always)
(Paraguay, USA, Swiss[Costa Rica], Brazil)


Okay, okay. I'll stop freaking out. Though in reality unless I can stay here forever with all my "peeps" I will never be happy. But life is not perfect there for I cannot stay. I will still continue to have fun for as long as I possibly can. Oh and ignore that I have less then 2 months befor I have to leave, doing this by hanging around the Latinos of my love! You may be thinking Shea what in the world are you jabering on about? Well...all my other exchange student friends are from Latin America except for 1 1/2. The reason I say 1 1/2 is because one of my friends speaks PERFECT Spanish and therfor can talk to everyone, though he does not come from a Spanish speaking country. The half is another person looks like she comes from Latin America, though in reality is from Indonesia. Though I have more exchanger friends, I'm talking about the ones I go out with (not all of them though). All my supper sexy friends. I have a problem of all my friends being drop dead gorgeous! Since we are just gorgeous young people, you may now eat your heart out.(:

Since I am always with Latinos I have learned that maybe I should have taken Spanish in school. Then I think about the funny times and decide that I was right with choosing French.

Back to what I have been doing since I last posted. I have just finished my 2 week spring break. I loved every minuet of it! Well all except the part where I took the SATs. That part sucked. I do not like taking tests for almost 4 hours after spending a year of practically taking no tests at all. Which will kill me back in the States when I have to do school work or I fail instead of the teachers just not caring.

Again back on topic. In my Spring Break I did some traveling around Switzerland. I went to Fribourg, Lausanne, Geneva, Chur, Thalwill, Montreux, and Wallis. My break was very busy and not very relaxing but that kept me from stressing over the SAT. Which is really good or I would not have been in good mental health. Though as I said I did not have time to stress. I also spent a day in a real Swiss bank! I was invited to spend the day at the bank my host dad works for. It was dandy if I do say so myself. I saw what he did and the people in the front who give you your money. Also I saw 1 kilogram of gold, that I also got to hold. It was a lot heavier than it looked. I would have never expected that. Well I knew it was 1 kg, but it was just so small that it blew my mind. Well thats what I did over spring break in the astonishing land of Switzerland!

The Swiss people are still pretty dandy.


  1. Hey ! :)
    Are you malready home? Or are you enjoying the last weeks in der Schweiz?
    I hope, that we will hear something from you again!! :)

    Liebe Gruesse ;)
    Annie, who is still in the United States and doesnt want to go home :P

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